Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I am so grateful for our 4 children, my jewels, and the oppurtunity I have to come to know the true nature of Heavenly Father through raising them. Even if I am so grateful today it feels like my heart will explode!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Happy One Year Old and Sonias Style and Other Musings of a Momma

First of all may I say... I love a ONE year old....why are they soooo cute? Joey may have been the cutest of all one year olds, do I say this with all of them?
At first I scoured the internet for party themes, this is where sonia may get her love of themes, then felt terrible for not being a better cake decorator, party planner, mom, human being-the internet does this to me- settled on  a monster cake, it was super cute, then I remembered a tid bit I have picked up from being mom to 4 kids. All a one year old wants for their birthday is balloons, and boy did he get them...cute ones. Success!!!

Swim lessons are in full swing. Do I sign them up for another session and have crazy summer (messy house) some more, or do we sit around the last few weeks of summer in a semi clean house...I think I just answered my own question. Carpe Diem! Pretty soon they will be back at school and I can have a semi clean house, but summer is for sun and swimming and being crazy kats!
Now is the time that I rattle off updates on all the kids.
Sonia is sooooo 8. As we are school shopping she is telling me about her style... apparently this includes dresses that look like Lady Gothal, tangleds evil mother, with swooping arms that go to the wrist and crushed red velvet. She also picked out a pair of boots yesterday that where slouchy black leather with a buckle and knee high with a heel, in her size, why do they even make these? answer: to torture mothers everywhere
 I love that she is asserting her independence but can't she do it in a more unicorn and puffy clouds and pink sort of way?????????? I didn't really mean that....yes I did, no wait, where is the line between supportive and mad they are growing up? And did I mention how beautiful she is?

James oh James I can't believe you are turning 7! You are turning into quite the man, super handsome and ultra smart....sometimes I can't keep up with you. He has learned to swim this year! And is even taking Karate from a kid down the street. And loving it!

Macey Ann is doing great, she is sooo funny and super independent. She has picked up riding sonias scooter because hers is too small. She told me she had a dream about Santa he was a baby and he left her a scooter, she was giggling the whole time. Her hair is such a pretty color it is like gold.
Joey is cutting his 5th adn 6th teeth. Poor kid. He got his top I teeth before his front ones that makes for one cute kid!
One more thing needs to be said. I am tired of these kids growing up.... I worry about what it and I will be like without them here. I worry I am not teaching them all that I need to, how do I know I am not messing them up? Am I giving them a strong enough family identity, how about a strong enough testimony, or sense of self worth....too many things to try to sort out at 4 in the morning, back to bed for this tired mommy.

What I like MOST!!!

If I had to capture moments in time, but I could only have say 20 or so, I would for sure want one of them to be on the lake. This is a family favorite!
Yesterday as I was spending all my day trying to get the boat ready and thinking "this is re-diculious! Why are we doing all this work to go on the lake for maybe 2 hours tops?" I must have forgotten how every one in the family does a collective Ahhh when we first open it up on the lake, I must have forgotten how all our worries melt away. Just thought I ought to remember this forever. I am not posting a pic because I am going to paint one in your mind...little kids on the sparkling lake just before the sun goes down you know the time. Giggling and laughing on the tube....THIS IS THE LIFE!!!

Three Amigos